Everyone wants a beautiful tanned skin from the sun, but they want to do in a safe way. Sunscreen helps, but unfortunately, sometimes big dollops of the lotion end up on your clothes. Not a problem! Below are a few simple tricks to get sunscreen stains out of your clothes.
Oil is the basis of many sun creams, so by using detergent or shampoo, you can easily get the stain out of clothes. Dabbing just a little soap or shampoo on the stain is sufficient; it will de-grease the stain and absorb the oil.

Remove stains with dishwasher soap
Most people have special soap that’s designed for the dishwasher, and putting a generous splash on your clothing to remove sunscreen works very well. After that, you can wash the clothes like normal in the washing machine.
Green soap and baking powder
Remove sunscreen blobs on your clothes with a spoon. Do not rub it in, as that will make the stain bigger. Then, sprinkle some baking powder on the spot, and let the powder sit for about 30 minutes. Next, make a mixture of green soap and water, and soak your clothes in it for half an hour. Finally, remove the stain with a toothbrush. Please make sure that it is an unused toothbrush.

You can use Dasty (a brand of degreaser) to remove many different types of stains, including sunscreen. Spray a little Dasty on the stain, and leave it for five minutes. Afterward, you can put the garment in the washing machine and wash it as usual.