Have you ever been in a situation where you are doing your own things only to be interrupted by a sudden persistent ringing in your ears? While the ringing ends abruptly, what might be the cause of these strange occurrences that pop up in your ears? Some people believe that when this happens someone is talking about you. Others also think that this means you are about to experience some major change in your life.
However, like most occurrences in our systems when something is behaving uniquely or bothering, there may be a reason why this is happening. Also known as tinnitus, the ringing of the ear, a process that starts in the inner ear could be related to the damage in the hair cells that are located within the ear. This may sound like buzzing, waves from an ocean, hissing or ringing. While this can affect one or both ears, there is a range of potential causes.
For some people, this ringing can be so frustrating and stressful that it may lead to anxiety, stress, and even depression. Since almost 50 million adults in the USA are affected, it’s a very common problem.
If it has persisted, you need to go for a check-up
According to Ashok Jagasia the Director of Rush Oak Park Otolaryngology, although this is not a serious occurrence it may point out to other problems other than the condition. The main causes of this include head injury, exposure to loud noises, caffeine, wax build-up, Meniere’s disease and certain types of medications.

Although this condition cannot be cured there are steps that you can take to clear your ears. These include getting your ears cleaned, cognitive behavioral therapy and being checked for hearing aids. It is also noted that you need to protect your ears from loud noises so that the condition does not become worse. You also need to ensure that the volume of your devices is kept low at all times.