Art has always been fluid throughout the ages. It changes with cultural norms, conflicts, and visual tastes. As the planet changes with climate change, polarized politics, and shifting demographics, it is a fun exercise to predict what the future will hold for art as we move into 2020. What will art look like in 20 years?
Climate change
By the year 2040, the effects of climate change will be unavoidable. As art often does, the art of 2040 will reflect the conflicts and challenges of the times. The main topic will be about climate change and how humans will either succumb to it and vanish or evolve into a new species.
Technology and artificial life
Humans evolving into artificial intelligence or technological beings will be part of the evolution topic in art. The inner turmoil of whether or not we will lose our basic humanity as technology takes over more of our lives will be reflected in the art.
The increasing loss of privacy we see in 2020 will have become an even more glaring problem by 2040. We can expect to see this as a hot art topic in 20 years as well. Perhaps art will shift from a way to express ourselves to a way to regain privacy we have lost due to the evermore connected world.
Like so many things in the Western world, art has been whitewashed and male-centric for centuries. In 20 years, movements to bring diversity to the forefront will continue to be a force in art. Expect to see more female-identified artists, artists of color, and artists from varied economic backgrounds.
Because of the diversity of artists, the art scene of 2040 will be more diverse and fluid as well. There will likely be more mediums, more crossover, and an expanded definition of what we label art.

Art has always held a space in the activism community and will likely hold a bigger stage in 2040. The uncertainty that eco-politics and climate change will bring creates the perfect storm for activist artists to create more powerful work.
The art world has long been complacent with dirty money, class systems, and the uneven distribution of wealth. Activist art in 2040 will attempt to bring more accountability to the scene. Performance art and protests will occur alongside visual, music, and other art mediums for disruptive social movements toward corrupt powers.